A sanctuary of hope and resilience for vulnerable young adults
The mission of Anthony’s Home is to educate young mothers and teens on how to support themselves and their child(ern) mentally, financially, and emotionally, through a step-by-step life program that provides support and leads them into a stable and socially balanced, yet independent lifestyle.
many teen moms in our community lack a secure home and support system
Single pregnant women and mothers of infants have a higher chance of facing homelessness, joblessness, and financial instability. This is a multifaceted issue that can occur from absent paternal figures, rising housing costs, limited job opportunities, wages below the poverty line, a lack of access to childcare, and mental and physical health disparities. No two cases are the same and each mother will face their own journey. Here at Anthony’s Home, we work with women to help them navigate the challenges of motherhood by providing them with skills to be self-reliant and become an active member of society.
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Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
11:00 am – 1:00 pm